The Archbishop Murphy Student Athlete Strength and Conditioning Program is committed to providing the highest level of athletic preparation for all Club, C Team, Junior Varsity, and Varsity Student Athletes for personal well being and athletic development.
The cost of this program is a single $75 fee for the entire academic year and is charged to all students as a separate athletic fee or class fee. The summer program is a separate fee. This fee directly supports the program budget for replacement equipment, maintenance, delivery, continuing education, and operational needs for continued safety, standards, and service.
All AMHS Student Athletes are asked to enroll to our TEAMBUILDR Account. TEAMBUILDR is an in-season and off-season strength and conditioning online tool that allows athletes to access the strength and conditioning program on their phone, computer, and paper. This allows your strength & conditioning coach to create customized workouts in real-time for individual players or position groups that are specific and individualized.
Jordan James – Director Of Sports Performance & Wellness
Meet Jordan James, the Director of Sports Performance and Wellness at AMHS. Since 2011, Coach Jordan has led the Sports Performance program for all students and student-athletes at AMHS. In 2016, he added the Director of Wellness role for AMHS, collaborating with our counseling staff, campus ministry, student life, and parent community to bring in wellness resources to support student success.
He received his Bachelor’s degree from St. Lawrence University and completed his Master’s at California University. He is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, United States Weightlifting, USA Track and Field, Functional Movement Systems, and Precision Nutrition. His previous Strength and Conditioning coaching experience was at Liverpool High School, St. Lawrence University, University of Cincinnati, San Jacinto College, Ignition Athletic Performance Group, and Velocity Sports Performance. He has led the creation of 6 different High School Strength and Conditioning programs across the northwest during his time as Performance Director at Integrated Rehabilitation Group. “Coach Jordan” as he is known by his students, has also worked with USA Hockey, US Soccer, and USA Football youth teams and presents on the topic of strength and conditioning, wellness, and technology in the field.
When asked why Coach Jordan works at AMHS, he states: “I am lucky to work at AMHS because it is such a great community of students, faculty/staff, parents, and partners. It is a transformational time in their life and I get to see that transformation happen every day. That is fulfilling my life’s passion and goals to help others.”
In his spare time he enjoys spending time relaxing with his family, cooking, and spending time outdoors.
Alix Ericksen – Health Teacher, Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach
Ebany Heard – Physical Education Teacher, Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach